9 Conversations to Have w/ Your Teen
Intentionality is the idea of being deliberate or very purposeful in your approach to something. The truth is, we are very intentional about the things that matter much to us.
When our kids were first born and going through their elementary school years, our parenting was highly intentional. We were zealous about raising great human beings. To our defense, this is also the time of life for kids where their thinking is the simplest; very black and white. Children under the age of 13 years have not yet developed the ability of abstract or complex thinking. But once our kids began to transition into the season of adolescence, teens years, things get a bit more complicated. Varied emotions surface. Abstract thinking is a regular to the point at which it boggles healthy communication between you and your teen.
You know exactly what I am talking about!
It is moments where your teen seems to be in a moody place, you check on them and get little to no response. Or it is the moment you ask a simple and direct question, but get “a dear in the headlights look” like you’re speaking a different language. Yea, this is pure adolescent phase. There are complex thoughts and not knowing how to communicate in the midst of them. Then as a parent you get frustrated because you genuinely want to love and support your teen, but can’t if they don’t communicate well with you. Adolescence is a drastically different season than childhood. Most definitely one that requires intentionality.
One thing is true, our kids will only be teens for a short period in life. The hope is that they will live most of their life in healthy interdependent adulthood. With this in mind, some of the most primary things to focus on may not lead to immediate behavioral change. However, if they are patiently and consistently developed in your teen, these things will prove to produce that healthy interdependent adult.
There are 9 Conversations that we as parents can focus on facilitating with our teens. I have listed all nine below. Keep in mind that there are many nuances in the life of our teens that help determine whether or not they will live a good life. There is no 100% guaranteed plan on how to raise teenagers. At the end of the day, whatever we deposit into them, they still have to decide to align with what we’ve given. At the same time, modeling and communicating these 9 Conversations with our teens is sure to at least give them a solid foundation for all of life.
9 Conversations
Priorities & Goals
Organization & Order
Personal Responsibility
Assess & Decide
Knowledge & Insight
Developing Self Control
Empathy & Service
Adjusting Behaviors
Pausing & Resting
Which of these points do you feel you can stand to be better at personally? Secondly, which of these points do you feel you model well already? Comment below and let’s learn from one another.
Be Inspired!