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The Next Generation Needs a Different Approach to Life Altogether.

In this currrent season of my life, I have been moved to place a higher priority on what I am depositing into the next generation. What type of inheritance will I leave for those coming after me? I think it is time that every adult, especially parents consider this reality. Our kids will be adults, living in a different reality one day. The most primary thing they can control regardless of what happens in the world is their own wellbeing. They have the ability to daily live out the truest and healthiest version of themselves. This is where we have an opportunity to make the biggest impact. Healthy people make a positive impact in the world. This requires a different approach to all of life for our kids and grandkids. It requires we not only know them, but that we also see them. Learn to have clarity of how they are wired. Call authenticity and greatness out of them. Show them what they possess and empower them to live as they have been made to live. We cannot be merely behavior driven. Rather we must be heart and soul driven. We must be moved to form in them a healthy identity, rather than helping them acquire a career field that we (parents) can be proud of. This next generation need us to shift the measurement, the barometer of success. That barometer must focus more on being healthy in all of life. To this end, TDH Coaching is deeply committed…and will be for generations to come.

Kudos to you if you have read all 5 of the reasons life cosaching is necessary! I hope that you have been able to at least read something worth adding to your life. Please do me a quick favor and comment on which reason connected with you the most and/or the least. Your feedback is much appreciated!

Be Inspired!