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3 Truths About Your Story

We all have a story in life. 

I have a story. You have a story. Your coworker has a story. Your neighbor has a story. Even your enemy has a story. 

Whether you acknowledge it or not there is a story that you tell yourself every single day; and it’s this story that’s crafting the life you are living. In light of this there are 3 TRUTHS about your story you do well to consider. 

  1. Your story can propel you.

    • Stories are full of statements or beliefs that carry a deep connection to life. These are the times when you used a life experience to inspire, transform or push you into a positive response. It’s the formation of these beliefs or truths that’s now become a pivotal part of your current journey. These truths also make up the parts of your story that propels you forward. 

  2. Your story can paralyze you.

    • In the same way your story can propel you, it can also paralyze you. It can cause you to become stuck, forfeiting the expression of your greatest potential. Paralysis primarily occurs when you hold onto a belief that’s rooted in the blame of someone or something else. The story that’s paralyzing many times goes as such…

    • My mama didn’t show me love.

    • I never knew my daddy.

    • I was the black sheep in my family.

    • I was poor. I had no options. 

    • I grew up in a broken home; my parents split. 

    • I dropped out of college. 

    • I did what others wanted me to do. 

    • I am not good enough. 

    • I was in the foster care system. 

    • I was abandoned.  

    • I was abused. 

    • I was forgotten.

    I was….I am….I can’t….and the list goes on and on. All of these statements and many more make up the stories you have been and are still telling yourself. They have you stuck in yesterday, holding up your today, and forfeiting your tomorrow. Unfortunately a paralyzing story in some ways has actually become comfortable for you.

  3. Your story is how you see all of life. 

    • This third truth about your story is the reason why the first two truths are a reality. It is called a worldview. The lens, or the pair of glasses by which you see everyday life. It defines for you what’s real, what’s fake. It exposes your points of pain and pleasure. Your worldview clarifies your hope, what you build your life on and what you anticipate about the future. This is a big deal, because all of your decisions in life flow from your worldview; the way you see all of life. They flow from your story.

Knowing these three truths will help you co-write a story worth living!