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Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision, a concept that carries both positive and negative connotations, plays a crucial role in our lives.

On the negative side, during periods of narrow-mindedness and limited vision, we can only perceive a small portion of our surroundings. This restricted perspective hinders our ability to gain a comprehensive and clear understanding of life.

However, on the positive side, tunnel vision can be a powerful tool for focus and concentration. It involves eliminating distractions and focusing on what truly matters. In this context, tunnel vision is a healthy approach to life.

For individuals who have experienced loss, grief, healing, and regained their strength after a challenging period, tunnel vision becomes an essential response. Life can feel stagnant, and we may feel like we’ve lost time on our goals. Watching our family and friends move forward can be a significant distraction.

In such a season, tunnel vision becomes paramount. It’s the time to refocus on what truly matters, disregard distractions that hinder our progress, and align our actions with our values.

Are you currently experiencing tunnel vision? Do you feel overwhelmed by uncontrollable forces, weighed down by distractions, or unable to focus on your path? If so, you’re not alone. Embrace tunnel vision and become the runner who races their own course, the swimmer who swims in their own lane. Give your full energy to the aspects of your life that you have control over.

Remember, this is your life, and you should live it based on your values and what energizes you. Ultimately, you must find peace with yourself, as you have more control over your life than you do over others.

Tunnel vision!